Album : 1+1=3?(2012)Genre : PopBanner :E-MusicSong Format : Mp3Bitrate : 128Files: 9 Original Tracks
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128 Kbps [Mediafire Individual Track List & Link]
01. Masum with Lucifer - Mon Dilana.mp3
02. Silvi with Rajbir - Ichik Bichik.mp3
03. Rajbir - Isharay.mp3
04. Shaff - Meye.mp3
05. Kazi Nourin with Lucifer (Rap) - Ochena Shohor.mp3
06. Rajbir - Shunno.mp3
07. Masum - Mon.mp3
08. Shaff with Lucifer (Rap) - Proyash.mp3
09. Anisa - Bol Na.mp3
Zipped album link [128Kbps]